Term 3 Clubs have ended

This term’s clubs ended this afternoon, as previously noted in the acknowledgement and confirmation emails for club places, as well as on the club form itself.  Well done to all students who attended every meeting of their club. Many thanks to the staff who ran the clubs and made it all possible.

An exciting new season of clubs will begin next term. More details to follow after the summer holiday!

Headteacher’s News Thursday 27 April

Dear All,

I hope that you all had a very pleasant holiday and have returned feeling refreshed and ready for the final term of the school year.

My thanks go to Mr Lemberry Koutlakis and his team for organising a successful Eco-week raising the awareness of environmental responsibility. The Eco-Rangers have taken teamwork to a new level, sacrificing their break times to recycle paper and plastic, switching off lights and projectors, allocating points to the most eco-friendly classes and thinking of new ways to reduce the school’s carbon footprint.


I would like to draw your attention to the next PCA event.

Table top poster

Please note there will be no school on Sunday and Monday next week.

Best wishes


Headteacher’s News Thursday 19th January

Dear All,


What a week!  With this term’s after-school clubs starting, children and adults have been busy learning and having fun. Club time is 2:45pm to 3:45pm. After clubs, children should be collected at 3:45pm from the juniors’ reception area, please, except on Tuesdays when they should be collected at 3:45pm from the shaded area between the school building and the tennis courts. This is because a large number of children have Tuesday clubs and there isn’t enough space in the reception area.

We’ve also had the Year 3 & 4 Movie night showing of Trolls on Wednesday which had a great turnout. Both of the movie nights have been organised by Year 5 for charity and this week alone looks to have raised over BD700. Next week’s Year 5 & 6 Movie night will be a showing of Pete’s Dragon on Wednesday 25th January, from 2:45pm until approximately 4:40pm..

In the Educational Thoughts from a Teacher this week, Hannah Turner (KS2 Curriculum Leader for Art) explores the subject of creativity in children.  Please have a look at her interesting article, ‘Why we should encourage Art, and can you help if your child doesn’t like it?’

If you were unable to attend today’s assembly by class 4.1, don’t forget that you can watch a video of their performance on the Videos page.

This week we have welcomed Ms Charlotte Milestone, who is my new PA. Thank you to everyone for making her feel so welcome and wishing her luck in her role.

After consulting our advisors at the British Embassy, we plan to proceed with next week’s Year 3 visit to Sacred Heart Church. We will announce a new date for the Year 4 Mandir visit as soon as arrangements are finalised.

Best wishes

Headteacher’s News 27 October 2016

Dear All,

Ella and Vyas presenting at the recent M.U.N. conference

I would like to start by congratulating Vyas Pillai and Ella Enslin for their memorable, enlivening speeches at the Model United Nations Opening Ceremony. They made a very favourable impression upon the whole community and attracted many well-deserved compliments.

Over the course of the last two weeks we have introduced orien

Orienteering in Year 5

teering to the curriculum which incorporates the important life skills of problem solving and map reading. The children have been quick to pick up these new skills and have had fun hunting all over the school for different pictures.

Pointing the way

I would like to thank Mr Jones from Juniors and Mrs Taylor from Seniors who ran a very successful workshop on e-Safety for parents yesterday
evening. The Student Digital Leaders held an e-Safety session for students at the same time. Everyone worked well together and discussed how to stay safe online and how to get the best from the technology we find all around us these days. Her

Mr. Jones leading our E-Safety workshop for parents

e are some slides from the event.


Please note that because of the day lost earlier in the term, school on Tuesday 1 November and Wednesday 2 November will be from 8:00am to 2:40pm as usual, and after-school clubs will run as normal. The planned staff training for those days has been ca

6.2 Assembly this week


Congratulations to the students who received Headteacher’s awards this week! To see who they were click here.

Boys must now wear their tie for school.

Wishing you a very enjoyable weekend.


Headteacher’s News Thursday 20 October


Dear All,

Mr Jones…or Mr Jones?

I would like to start by thanking Class 6.5 for reminding us, in their assembly, that in order to achieve greatness and have fun we have to ‘get serious’, focus on what we are doing and work hard.

Look out next week for the E-Safety Workshop for Parents and Pupils.  The session will be run by Mrs Nicola Taylor (Head of Computing, Seniors) and Mr Mark Jones (Assistant Head, Juniors).  Also in attendance will be Mrs Julie Anne Gilbert, Head of School, and the school counsellors, Mrs Doreen Mills and Mrs Kathleen Guyon, who will be offering their guidance and support with some of the issues that arise from the use of technology in the modern world.  Please see Latest News for further information and an opportunity to sign up.

We wish Ella and Vyas the very best

Chan Xu entertains with a fabulous piano intro.

of luck this evening as they represent the Juniors at the BritMUN conference at the Radisson Blu Hotel. They will be doing short presentations about Genetic Engineering and The Preservation of World Heritage Sites. I would like to thank them personally for the hard work and effort that they have put in over the last couple of weeks preparing for this event!

From Sunday 23rd October all boys will be expected to wear their ties. The school shop has plenty in stock if needed.

Best regards

Arabic Training Workshop 25 May

In our continuing drive to promote the teaching and learning of Arabic at the BSB, a training workshop for the Arabic Department across all sections of the school was held on Wednesday 25th May.

We were delighted to welcome Dr Osama Al Mahdi from the Bahrain Teachers College at Bahrain University. The theme of the two hour workshop was classroom management.
All agreed that they were inspired and invigorated by Dr Osama’s knowledge, enthusiasm and charisma.

We thank Dr Osama for so generously giving of his time and Ms Haifa and her department for providing traditional refreshments.

Headteacher’s News Thursday 28 April

Dear All,

It has been an exceptionally busy week, especially on the sporting front for the juniors. Congratulations to all our sportsmen and sportswomen who have performed so well. I would like to particularly cDSCN1617ongratulate Liam Marshall, who has not only represented the school in a range of sports, but has achieved first place in the Mini Olympics Aquathlon in the Age category 13-15, 2-4 years older than Liam. This is a truly outstanding achievement!

The Primary School Pupil Parliament had some new additions in the paDSCN1613rliament meeting this week. One pupil from each Year 2 class was elected to the parliament by their class members last week after they spoke in front of their class, explaining why they would be a good choice. The newly elected ambassadors from Year 2 were very excited about taking part in their first parliament meeting and representing their class. We wish the new parliamentarians all the best.

Reception & Year 1 enjoyed a visit to Little Red Riding Hood this week. We’re not afraid of the big, bad wolf!

I would like to draw your attention to the Palm Association Charity Drive. Information about this is in the infants’ newsletter and on the juniors’ blog.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Onika Jones who is starting her maternity leave today and we wish her the very best of luck. We thank her for all she has done in the Junior Art Department, and for her valuable work on the displays and aesthetics around the school.

Wishing you all a lovely long weekend.


Learning Targets in Years 3 to 6

Following our target-focused parent-teacher consultations last month, we have prepared a summary of your child’s current and recent learning targets, which has been made available to you through the secure Parent Portal, accessible via www.britishschoolbahrain.com

If you experience any difficulty logging in to the Parent Portal or in viewing your child’s target document, please contact bsbmail@thebsbh.com for assistance.

The target document will be updated twice each term, starting from now. As learning targets are met, new targets will be added, so that each student always has a manageable set of targets to focus on. Accordingly, the list of ‘Met’ targets will grow as your child makes progress. A new set of learning targets for each student will be uploaded soon after the start of the new school year in the autumn.

After each target, a key word will indicate your child’s current progress in relation to that target.

Approaching – this means your child is working towards this target, probably because it is a new target that they have recently started to address.
Almost met – this means that your child should soon meet this target and be ready to move on to a new target.
Met – this means that your child has met the target and is ready to move on to a new target.
Exceeded – this means that, in aiming for the target, your child made outstanding progress. (Exceeded is unusual and should not be expected as the norm.)

We believe that an ongoing target document, updated throughout the year, is a better way of keeping you informed of your child’s progress than sending a long, text-heavy report at the very end of the school year. The end-of-year report, scheduled to be available to parents on 28 June, will comprise a text comment from the class teacher, and attainment descriptors for all curricular areas, as in the December report. Parents of children in Years 3 to 6 will continue to receive school reports in December and June, as well as the new target-based document twice each term.

Here is a chronological summary:

Term 1
Target document updated twice during the term
Formal school report in December

Term 2
Target document updated twice during the term

Term 3
Target document updated twice during the term
Formal school report in June

If you would like further information about your child’s progress or the target-based reporting process, please contact your child’s class teacher, who will be happy to help.